Gut health, integrative medicine and cutting-edge science video with Dr Edison de Mello – Upworthy Podcast


00:00:00.170 [Music]
00:00:07.120 Dr Edison deelo is the founder and chief
00:00:09.840 medical officer of the accasia center
00:00:11.679 for Integrative Medicine in Santa Monica
00:00:13.639 California a healing Sanctuary where all
00:00:16.320 parts that compromise human beings mind
00:00:18.760 body and spirit are addressed equally
00:00:21.279 he’s a board-certified integrated
00:00:23.560 physician and also a licensed
00:00:26.199 psychotherapist Dr Dell’s journey into
00:00:28.560 Integrative Medicine began with with his
00:00:30.240 grandmother in his hometown of Rio De
00:00:32.558 Janeiro who instilled in him a deep
00:00:34.760 appreciation for holistic healing
00:00:36.879 practices from a very early age his PhD
00:00:40.920 dissertation gut feelings a psychosocial
00:00:44.440 approach to gastrointestinal illness
00:00:47.239 laid the foundation for his vision of a
00:00:49.680 center where psychology would be
00:00:51.840 seamlessly integrated with Western and
00:00:54.399 Eastern medicines in 2021 Dr Dello
00:00:58.280 shared with the world his unique brand
00:01:00.879 of healing by publishing this book
00:01:03.720 bloated how to reclaim your gut health
00:01:06.320 and eat without pain Dr Edison Dello
00:01:10.240 welcome to the Upworthy interview it’s a
00:01:13.080 pleasure to be here with you Craig and
00:01:15.159 your audience thank you for having me I
00:01:17.600 want to start with going back to your
00:01:19.080 humble beginnings in Rio uh you
00:01:21.799 dedicated this book to your grandmother
00:01:23.960 your first Integrative Medicine teacher
00:01:26.960 what what are some of the things that
00:01:28.119 she taught you uh and she still is by
00:01:31.320 the way she still is in in so many ways
00:01:34.439 my guiding
00:01:36.159 principle uh in healing uh as I continue
00:01:40.200 to find ways to reach people to help
00:01:44.640 them optimize their health grandma or
00:01:47.840 Nana as we called her is see right here
00:01:51.000 I can almost feel her presence uh when
00:01:53.360 I’m doing that um she was all about love
00:01:57.600 and and compassion and my grandma mother
00:02:00.600 was a very small woman she was probably
00:02:02.960 48 49 but yet she was the tallest woman
00:02:06.680 I ever met her passion her platform was
00:02:12.280 generosity and she had very little and
00:02:14.840 the little that she had she made a point
00:02:17.480 to share it with those less fortunate so
00:02:21.840 this idea of generosity compassion
00:02:26.680 seeing every beings anybody that M as
00:02:31.840 fully capable and never broken is what
00:02:36.000 set me on this path so this book focuses
00:02:39.200 on a very common malady affecting so
00:02:41.560 many of us bloating and
00:02:44.680 inflammation it’s also about gut health
00:02:47.239 which may be an entirely New Concept to
00:02:50.280 many of our viewers what are the major
00:02:52.800 differences between bloating and
00:02:55.000 inflammation uh actually one doesn’t
00:02:57.680 come without the other right inflam
00:03:00.959 is the common Eliminator on every malady
00:03:04.480 that we humans or in the animal kingdom
00:03:07.120 actually face right so if you are if you
00:03:11.120 have a cold you are somewhat
00:03:13.640 inflamed if you have an allergy you are
00:03:16.239 inflamed and the the true the the the
00:03:20.480 truth is also or this concept is also
00:03:23.480 true when you have chronic diseases and
00:03:26.599 so when your gut is bloated the question
00:03:30.760 is why why is it bloated what kind of
00:03:34.080 inflammation is it going through and it
00:03:36.680 may be something as simple as eating
00:03:38.879 inflammatory foods which all of us in
00:03:42.120 today’s world in a way know where they
00:03:44.720 are right we talk about gluten we talk
00:03:46.680 about Dairy we talk about you know
00:03:49.599 processed foods we’re talking about we
00:03:52.040 talk about foods that are not really
00:03:54.840 wholesome so those Foods create a
00:03:57.599 reaction in your body and that reac
00:03:59.840 action is called
00:04:01.280 inflammation so so you write that your
00:04:04.280 passion is to help every patient get the
00:04:07.000 best possible results by integrating
00:04:09.840 proven scientific approaches while also
00:04:13.000 drawing together the newest technology
00:04:15.120 advances from traditional Western
00:04:17.238 medicine with the ancient wisdom and
00:04:20.440 healing from the East right now how are
00:04:22.919 you able to balance this in your
00:04:24.960 practice it’s interesting that you POS
00:04:27.440 that question because most a lot of
00:04:29.759 people that I come in contact with ask
00:04:32.240 the same question because they think in
00:04:34.840 a way that integrative medicine or
00:04:37.240 functional medicine which is in a way
00:04:40.000 interchangeably uh the same um is a new
00:04:44.039 discipline and it’s not you know
00:04:46.560 Integrative Medicine uh was described by
00:04:50.520 philosophers as such as paracelis with a
00:04:54.160 physician Swiss physician who lived 500
00:04:56.880 years ago is a connection of all parts
00:05:00.199 of the human organism the father of
00:05:03.800 modern medicine Hippocrates wrote about
00:05:07.440 it right you are what you eat for
00:05:09.800 example also 500 years ago and what
00:05:13.320 happened is one may ask so why did this
00:05:17.160 discipline this integration of all parts
00:05:20.440 became
00:05:21.400 lost and in in the practice of medicine
00:05:25.600 well because there’s something called
00:05:27.759 industrialization right we became overly
00:05:30.400 specified in everything that we did
00:05:32.600 there was Wars happening in the world
00:05:35.360 where things have to be done very
00:05:37.440 quickly and the idea of
00:05:41.319 waiting uh to uh or or waiting for the
00:05:44.759 body to be able to tell us what was
00:05:47.160 happening um was no longer visible there
00:05:50.199 was no time there was a short of
00:05:51.919 Physicians you know of course we have
00:05:54.560 things like Imaging studies right we
00:05:57.840 have surgeries that keep
00:06:00.160 or surgical procedures they keep
00:06:02.280 evolving as we speak but what’s missing
00:06:05.840 in Western medicine is the passion of
00:06:09.680 really looking at people and ask them
00:06:12.360 the question why why the disease and
00:06:15.720 right now so one of the unique elements
00:06:19.000 of your practice is the fact that when
00:06:21.120 you first meet a new patient you sit
00:06:23.840 down with them in your office for two
00:06:25.280 hours and just talk in the book you
00:06:28.800 write I want to meet my patients before
00:06:31.680 I meet their disease what led you to
00:06:34.639 come up with this Innovative idea as a
00:06:37.360 starting point to treatment well
00:06:40.599 excellent question first was my
00:06:42.520 experience as a sick child when I lived
00:06:45.639 in Brazil I had severe
00:06:48.639 asthma and my parents didn’t have a lot
00:06:50.960 of memes and I saw them really
00:06:53.080 struggling to understand what was
00:06:55.960 happening to their kid and the doctors
00:06:58.720 had all the good attention to make sure
00:07:00.759 that I survived this condition but they
00:07:03.639 did not have the wisdom at the time or
00:07:06.280 the time to sit down with them and
00:07:08.800 explain to them what was happening to
00:07:11.720 this child’s body so fast forward 10
00:07:14.639 years later I’m now in the presence of
00:07:16.919 my grandmother creating all this potions
00:07:19.919 herbal potions with herbs that she would
00:07:22.680 grew herself in her
00:07:25.599 yard and and one one of the thing that
00:07:28.360 she did before she could create any
00:07:30.039 potion to anybody was meet with them and
00:07:33.080 she wanted to understand the
00:07:36.919 constitution of who that person was so
00:07:39.400 to speak who are you why are you feeling
00:07:42.639 the symptoms right now she wanted them
00:07:45.520 to describe the quality of their
00:07:47.840 symptoms so I had those two really
00:07:51.400 incredible experience that informed me
00:07:54.159 of the kind of medicine that I wanted to
00:07:56.639 practice so the Cornerstone of your
00:07:58.840 practice is this correlation between the
00:08:01.319 mind and the body with an emphasis on
00:08:03.319 gut health yeah at what point in your
00:08:06.319 career did you decide that gut health
00:08:08.759 would be the focus of your healing
00:08:11.240 practice um very early on right um I had
00:08:16.720 the experience of of living in very
00:08:19.759 tumultous times in Rio and I lived very
00:08:23.639 close to a project called city of God
00:08:28.720 and there’s a most about that actually
00:08:31.360 right the seat of God yeah yeah I
00:08:34.559 actually never watched the whole movie
00:08:36.279 because it was too close to home uh but
00:08:39.479 I read about it and I saw Snippets of it
00:08:42.679 and I remember that how I dealt with
00:08:45.519 fear was um through my gut uh and I
00:08:50.480 remember you know whether there were a
00:08:52.560 lot of gunshots going around me or the
00:08:55.720 unsafety of walking home from school
00:08:59.320 that that how that condition would
00:09:01.360 manifest in my body was through my gut
00:09:04.240 so hence the concept of gut feelings
00:09:06.839 which then became my research topic for
00:09:10.519 my doctorate
00:09:12.120 dissertation and so from the early on
00:09:14.920 from early on even though I didn’t have
00:09:16.440 the scientific knowledge I knew that my
00:09:20.519 body and my mind were intrinsically
00:09:23.640 connected what I was seeing or hearing
00:09:26.720 were the gunshots or the danger around
00:09:30.000 me what I was feeling was the fear in my
00:09:33.279 gut so hence the idea that I also write
00:09:36.680 in the book or in the
00:09:38.320 dissertation um which is the gut brain
00:09:41.079 AIS there is a Highway of information
00:09:43.839 going on between those two incredible
00:09:46.440 organs and then as I became educated and
00:09:50.040 de started to do my research in gut
00:09:53.200 house I realized
00:09:55.480 that there was so much to explore and as
00:09:59.480 I was exploring this doing research in a
00:10:03.399 very challenging hospital was at at at a
00:10:08.360 hospital called Highland Hospital in
00:10:10.560 Oakland California which at that time
00:10:13.560 was an extremely dangerous neighborhood
00:10:17.200 so he am back to the same in a way to
00:10:20.839 the same situation that I was as a child
00:10:23.519 where we had to go through metal
00:10:24.880 detectors to go to the ER for example as
00:10:28.040 I was doing my research and I started to
00:10:30.399 realize that I was too feeling a lot of
00:10:32.480 butterflies in my gut whenever I walked
00:10:35.079 in and so as I went you know as I
00:10:39.040 dwelled into into the research I
00:10:41.680 realized that I wanted to do more and I
00:10:43.800 wanted to know more and so that’s when I
00:10:46.440 decided that psychology was going to be
00:10:49.279 the foundation through which I could get
00:10:51.959 to Medicine what I found fascinating and
00:10:55.000 I frankly have never read about this in
00:10:57.160 such detail is the correl
00:10:59.800 that you make between the foods we eat
00:11:02.560 and our Mental Health on page four of
00:11:05.079 the book you write bacteria and the gut
00:11:07.560 can affect mental States mood cognition
00:11:11.120 and mental problems how did you come to
00:11:14.160 these
00:11:16.120 conclusions again uh these are
00:11:18.560 conclusions that have been um really
00:11:22.079 elucidated and researched for you know
00:11:25.120 thousands of years you know or hundreds
00:11:27.519 of years from as I said from
00:11:30.600 parilis to uh hypocrates they were
00:11:33.880 writing about this this idea that the
00:11:36.720 gut and the mind and your heart are
00:11:39.120 interally connected and then you a way
00:11:41.839 to explain that physiologically speaking
00:11:44.560 is to talk about hormonal function and
00:11:48.279 as I looked at the gut I realized but
00:11:50.680 the gut is also has a has it its main
00:11:54.240 function or one of its main function the
00:11:58.279 creation or
00:12:00.200 of Serotonin and serotonin is the happy
00:12:04.800 hormone is the Feelgood hormone so most
00:12:08.200 of us think that serotonin is created in
00:12:10.600 our created in our brains but actually
00:12:13.920 95% of it is in your created in your gut
00:12:17.279 and then when you look at the gut and
00:12:19.079 serotonin if you’re not producing or if
00:12:22.600 your gut is inflamed in a way that is
00:12:25.399 impairing your serotonin metabolism
00:12:28.519 you’re depressed
00:12:29.680 you’re not happy you know no matter what
00:12:31.880 you do life is not working for you and
00:12:35.680 in some situations we feel it’s working
00:12:38.360 against you so that leads me into my
00:12:41.920 next question because in the book blo
00:12:44.440 you go into detail about the symptoms
00:12:47.399 many of us suffer from like bloating
00:12:50.360 gastin fatigue moodiness feeling bad
00:12:54.480 about our appearance feeling depressed
00:12:57.199 and you relate them back to gut health
00:13:00.000 you point out some of the factors that
00:13:01.720 contribute to these symptoms for
00:13:03.600 instance like poor diet you know or eat
00:13:06.880 on the go culture stress overuse of
00:13:10.480 antibiotics processed foods exposure to
00:13:13.760 pollutants and a general unhealthy
00:13:16.320 relationship to food so what are some of
00:13:19.399 the lifestyle changes we should all
00:13:21.800 consider making to get as you put it a
00:13:24.720 leg up on bloat and inflammation listen
00:13:27.680 to your body it’s going to tell you
00:13:30.399 right we know when we eat something that
00:13:33.480 the body doesn’t
00:13:34.959 like um and what we do we we ignore that
00:13:38.959 language and we go to the language of
00:13:41.040 the mind or the language of your taste
00:13:43.600 buds your taste Bud’s language or
00:13:47.880 desires is in a lot of ways different
00:13:50.880 than the language of your gut what he
00:13:52.639 needs so when the body talks to us
00:13:55.360 through symptoms are we listening or are
00:13:59.320 we ignoring it the second step is to
00:14:02.320 really go to what you know doesn’t work
00:14:05.639 for you I mean we know the sugar is
00:14:08.120 toxic I want to ask you my next question
00:14:11.199 which I think is related to what you’re
00:14:13.040 saying because you make a really
00:14:14.480 powerful statement in the book that
00:14:17.199 human beings have lost their natural
00:14:19.519 instinct to know what is good for their
00:14:22.480 overall well-being can you elaborate on
00:14:25.399 that it’s the idea of listening to your
00:14:29.240 that and I see that when I go into in
00:14:33.079 know restaurants and I see you know uh
00:14:36.680 usually I see different kinds of people
00:14:39.120 eating right there’s those who can
00:14:40.959 really have a conversation and connect
00:14:43.360 and there those who are on the cell
00:14:45.519 phone my grandmother used to say and
00:14:48.120 it’s so true for me today she used to
00:14:50.199 say you given um two years and one mouth
00:14:54.800 for a reason right so listen twice as
00:14:59.079 much as you talk right right right so
00:15:02.519 that’s I would say to the audience
00:15:04.160 listen to your body connect with it ask
00:15:06.519 the question why what is my body telling
00:15:10.040 me and why am I not
00:15:11.839 listening so let’s talk about diets for
00:15:14.519 a moment you mention in the book some of
00:15:16.839 the most popular diet crazes that people
00:15:19.120 have flocked to in an attempt to do the
00:15:21.519 right thing for their health and
00:15:22.639 well-being like the paleo diet the keto
00:15:25.759 diet the Mediterranean diet and a bunch
00:15:28.560 of other diets that have copyright so
00:15:30.240 we’re not going to mention those right
00:15:31.720 now is there a onsize fits-all diet or
00:15:36.040 is that just a fantasy uh no there’s not
00:15:39.279 a magic diet that there there works for
00:15:42.680 all of us you know it would be wonderful
00:15:45.240 if there was right um there’s a diet
00:15:49.399 that works specifically to you when you
00:15:51.759 know what part of your system is off
00:15:55.040 recently I was at a presentation and
00:15:56.959 somebody asked me a similar question and
00:15:59.480 what I said which I want to repeat here
00:16:01.600 is that look there’s 8 billion people on
00:16:04.120 the planet and there’s 8 billion
00:16:06.680 fingerprints different
00:16:09.399 fingerprints there will never be
00:16:11.120 somebody with a fingerprint like yours
00:16:13.959 similar to yours because it’s all a
00:16:17.040 constellation of uh genetic factors
00:16:21.519 lifestyle um and so when you look at di
00:16:25.639 look at it that way you know what is it
00:16:28.759 that I want to accomplish and what what
00:16:31.800 is something that I can commit
00:16:34.319 to we have to ask that question why is
00:16:37.680 it that I I I gravitate towards the junk
00:16:42.160 food is that is that only because my
00:16:46.000 taste buds want it me to or is that a
00:16:49.959 secondary gain of me not really
00:16:52.560 feeling uh incredibly good about myself
00:16:55.839 and keep repeating the same narrative
00:16:59.680 so I think the answer to your question
00:17:01.839 is no there’s not a magic diet 21 there
00:17:05.199 are diets that have proven in the world
00:17:08.720 of cardiovascular medicine for example
00:17:11.359 such as the Mediterranean diet that you
00:17:13.640 mentioned that it has been proven
00:17:16.640 scientifically to decrease
00:17:19.039 cardiovascular
00:17:20.359 inflammation but and that diet has been
00:17:23.199 very successful but it’s also what’s
00:17:25.199 also successful along with the diet is
00:17:28.400 consist
00:17:29.640 y right is in a way to be happy with who
00:17:34.600 you are where you are in your life and
00:17:37.679 if you’re not happy with who you are the
00:17:39.799 relationship that you’re in then we need
00:17:42.160 to go work on that as well along with
00:17:44.600 the eating regimen so diets such as you
00:17:48.120 know like I said the Mediterranean diet
00:17:50.400 the paleo diet um are scientifically
00:17:53.520 proven to work and and they will be more
00:17:56.760 successful if you look at all of all
00:17:59.480 other aspects of your life in
00:18:02.600 including why am I
00:18:05.360 overeating so the United States many of
00:18:07.919 us eat a lot of processed foods because
00:18:10.400 it’s easy and it’s also perceived to be
00:18:13.159 coste
00:18:14.120 effective what has processed foods done
00:18:16.760 to us from both a physical health and a
00:18:19.640 mental health perspective processed
00:18:21.600 foods and what junk food has done to us
00:18:25.000 is created this illusion of immediate
00:18:28.159 gratification
00:18:30.039 instead of saying I am going to make
00:18:32.600 sure that I will schedu 45 minutes for
00:18:35.280 lunch or even half an hour we schedule
00:18:38.360 15 minutes and you don’t have to go very
00:18:41.320 far but you go into our school
00:18:43.440 cafeterias and see how long the kids are
00:18:46.840 given for lunch and what they are being
00:18:49.320 fed and uh maybe a dis longevity will be
00:18:54.120 significantly
00:18:55.320 decreased so what are some of the foods
00:18:58.360 that are the main offenders causing blo
00:19:01.080 and inflammation well the main one right
00:19:03.919 now the three main big ones are your
00:19:06.320 sugar your overly processed um wheat
00:19:10.720 right your Dairy those are the three big
00:19:13.640 ones and then you can down the line you
00:19:16.720 can see all the foods that are connected
00:19:19.080 to those three like your chips for
00:19:21.600 instance your soda so now that we know
00:19:24.080 who the main offenders are what are some
00:19:26.320 of the foods we should all be
00:19:27.919 incorporating into our diets to avoid
00:19:31.200 bloat and inflammation so look at at not
00:19:34.120 only at what you’re eating but the time
00:19:37.840 of the foods that you CH or the time
00:19:39.919 that you choose to eat specific Foods so
00:19:42.919 I would say eat wholesome food avoid
00:19:45.640 canned foods avoid overly processed food
00:19:49.280 look at the time of the day that you’re
00:19:51.240 eating and how about eating only 80%
00:19:54.720 what you think you need to eat okay
00:19:57.000 here’s something everyone should be
00:19:58.720 interested in how does bloat and
00:20:01.200 inflammation affect our sex
00:20:04.280 lives the million doll
00:20:07.280 question um I’m ask that question all
00:20:09.799 the time okay so in the beginning of
00:20:12.039 your podcast we talked about the fact
00:20:14.799 that the gut is uh responsible for produ
00:20:19.679 for 95% of production of Serotonin the
00:20:23.120 Feelgood
00:20:24.520 hormone right the gut is also one of the
00:20:28.360 most most effective organs um by
00:20:33.159 stress and so when you’re stressed the
00:20:37.400 the hormone cortisol I’ve nicknamed it
00:20:40.440 the rain in your parade hormone it
00:20:43.840 destroys everything or rather it
00:20:46.600 decreases everything that’s the for
00:20:49.760 those of us uh who are sexually active
00:20:52.280 it’s the idea of honey I have a headache
00:20:55.159 right because you’re so stressed out you
00:20:58.039 haven’t been able to stop and and make
00:21:01.280 time for you to be able to allow your
00:21:04.400 body to feel the desire and the stamina
00:21:07.640 to engage in sexual activity so in that
00:21:11.320 regard when you take care of your gut
00:21:14.720 because the gut as I said in my
00:21:17.360 interpretation is is uh makes is another
00:21:21.559 organ that is connected to your
00:21:23.120 endocrine system is an essential
00:21:25.520 essential organ of hormone and given
00:21:29.760 testosterone
00:21:31.279 libido feeling relaxed before sexual
00:21:34.559 activity are hormonally based if your
00:21:37.840 gut is inflamed if your gut is stressed
00:21:41.200 so is your desire to engage in sexual
00:21:43.720 activity because your sex hormones are
00:21:47.400 decreased so what I love most about this
00:21:50.640 book is that first you educate and then
00:21:53.600 you propose a plan of action can you
00:21:55.760 give our listeners just some basic first
00:21:57.919 steps for to begin their journey to
00:22:00.360 bloat in inflammation reduction the
00:22:03.120 first thing that I would say is
00:22:04.960 something that we’ve been talking about
00:22:06.480 our long is Listen to your body you know
00:22:10.600 the foods are not working for you we can
00:22:13.200 talk about what to eat and how to
00:22:15.720 decrease inflammation and bloating until
00:22:18.320 the cows come home and believe me I have
00:22:21.240 enough material to share with you for
00:22:23.159 hours on end but that’s not the answer
00:22:25.679 alone it’s part of the answer don’t eat
00:22:28.080 processed food uh chill your food don’t
00:22:31.279 eat late at night right make sure that
00:22:33.919 you don’t drink a lot of water while
00:22:35.640 you’re eating because it’s going to
00:22:37.039 bloat you you drink the water either
00:22:39.400 before or after make sure that you um
00:22:43.600 don’t eat on the Run make make sure that
00:22:46.720 you really really connect with your body
00:22:50.279 and realize the incredible peace of work
00:22:53.240 that he needs to do all of this is part
00:22:56.320 of a good dietary regimen or the good
00:22:59.360 eating regimen but I think um given the
00:23:04.159 psychology and Medicine together that I
00:23:06.760 think the number question that we need
00:23:09.520 to ask ourselves is do we like our
00:23:12.760 bodies are we punishing it Dr Edison
00:23:16.760 Dello thank you so much for joining us
00:23:18.840 on the Upworthy interview thank you for
00:23:21.440 having me again Craig was a pleasure for
00:23:24.039 more about Dr Dello and a link to
00:23:26.360 purchase the print edition or audio book
00:23:28.880 bloated go to
00:23:31.240 Casia
00:23:33.840 up where the interview is
00:23:35.799 created and hosted by Craig Javin
00:23:38.080 executive producer Eric feon produced by
00:23:41.080 Good Inc in association with Northgate
00:23:43.320 Studios and our show is edited by Mark
00:23:46.440 Wales we’ll see you all soon right here
00:23:49.360 on the Upworthy interview

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