The Akasha Center

Men’s Health Blog Posts

How to have more energy.

Boost Your Energy Naturally: Insights from Gina Galvez, MS, PA-C Understanding Trigger Points At the Akasha Center, we are committed to offering a range of therapies that address various health concerns holistically and effectively. ...
Hashimotos weight loss program

Hashimoto’s Weight Loss Program: Contrave, Naltrexone, Sermoline Understanding Weight Management: The Role of Thyroid Health and Hormone Therapy Weight management can be a complex and frustrating journey for many. At the ...

Peptides & Medical Approaches to Weight Loss

Peptides and other medical approaches to Weight Loss with Dr. Joseph Dubroff Struggling with weight loss is a common issue many people face, and while ...

Healing your Gut with Natural Medicine. Healing Your Gut with Natural Medicine In today’s health-conscious world, the significance of gut health cannot be overstated. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is not ...

Addressing the Root Cause of Thyroid Disorders Addressing Fatigue, Cold Extremities, Hair Loss, and Fuzzy Thinking: A Comprehensive Approach by Dr. Dubroff The Akasha Center for Integrative Medicine,  focuses on addressing ...
weight loss advice

Why You’re Not Losing Weight Insights from Dr. Joseph Dubroff Hello, I’m Dr. Joseph Dubroff with the Akasha Center for Integrative Medicine. Today, I want to delve into why ...
Prostate Health

Prostate Health After 40s Advice by Dr. Sahar Lashin, MD, PhD. [Video] Prostate Health After 40: What You Need to Know As men age, taking proactive steps to maintain health becomes increasingly important. One key area ...

Consider a Colonoscopy earlier than age 45! The Cardinal Signs. 

 Edison de Mello, MD, Ph.D. & Sahar Lashin MD, Ph.D. As you might have read, it’s been frequently reported that cancer rates are climbing among younger adults in the ...

Total Cholesterol Levels Misses the Mark for Assessing Heart Disease

Heart disease is the number one killer in the world. However, our assessment of heart disease risks is based upon a standard cholesterol panel which ...

Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for Joint Pain and Arthritis

What is arthritis? Arthritis is defined as painful inflammation and degeneration of one or more joints. Symptoms include pain, swelling, reduced range of motion and stiffness. How common is it? One of the ...

How does the testosterone gel work?

If you’ve been on testosterone supplementation for more than five years, you know how it feels to have your testosterone appear to just stop working.  ...

Sperm Health: Does Age Matter?

Maggie Ney, ND Male fertility can persist late into life. While there is not a lot of evidence on the impact of advanced paternal ago ...

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