The Akasha Center

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections are gaining popularity for a variety of conditions, from sports injuries to hair loss and skin rejuvenation. If you’re looking for an innovative alternative treatment, PRP might be the perfect solution for you.

Why PRP is so beneficial
Platelets contain healing growth factors that act as signals to instruct your tissue to regenerate and replace old and damaged cells. They’re conveniently administered during a doctor’s visit, so they can fit quite well into your busy schedule.

Platelet Rich Plasma-(PRP) Injections

Why PRP is so beneficial
Platelets contain healing growth factors that act as signals to instruct your tissue to regenerate and replace old and damaged cells. They’re conveniently administered during a doctor’s visit, so they can fit quite well into your busy schedule.

How PRP Works?

To prepare PRP, a small amount of blood is taken from your arm with a special kit similar to a normal blood test. It is then placed in a special centrifugation machine that separates the platelets from the blood in order to be extracted in a concentrated form called PRP. The activated PRP containing healing growth factors is injected to the specific area and act as signals to instruct your tissue to multiply and regenerate new blood vessels. This brings fresh oxygen along with other growth factors to replace old and damaged cells. It stimulates and speed up the healing process.

Conditions Treated

Platelet rich plasma injections therapy are used for a range of conditions. From musculoskeletal pain, arthritis, to shortening healing time for surgeries, decreasing pain and even encouraging hair growth and skin rejuvenation.

PRP has been successful in treating and strengthening the healing process of everything from soft tissue injuries, tennis elbow, and joint pain to chronic pain associated with sports injuries, tendinitis, arthritis and numerous other orthopedic conditions. 

PRP is gaining popularity in dermatology by achieving medical successes as tissue regeneration, wound healing, scar revision, skin rejuvenation and alopecia.

Skin Rejuvenation
Microneedling with PRP is an effective way to improve the appearance, texture and skin tone. Stimulates production of collagen and elastin creating younger, firmer skin evening tone and texture.

Hair Loss
Growth factors from PRP work together to jump start dormant hair follicle into growth stage. Hair shaft gets larger, healthier and hair grows. Controls hair growth cycle. Decreases hair loss.

Sports Injuries | Joints | Muscle
A non-surgical treatment for musculoskeletal pain, arthritis, rotator cuff injuries, ligament and tendon injuries, and sports injuries like golfers and tennis elbow. PRP stimulates new collagen and bone cells creating strong, healthy joints, ligaments, tendons and muscle.

Our Practitioners Who Specialize in PRP Treatments


Leland Dao, DO

Osteopathic Physician
Sports Medicine & Primary Care

Gina Galvez, M.S., PA-C

Integrative Physician’s Assistant & Regenerative Clinic Coordinator

What Our Clients are Saying

"I returned to my daily life activities in only 10 days of treatment! I was experiencing debilitating pain, unable to sit or bend the hip due to a herniated lumbar disc and spasmed muscles."
Sylvie Rokab
Film Director & International Speaker
" I don’t have the thick, full head of hair I used to and judging by my family history, I decided to try PRP for hair-loss prevention. The platelets made my hair look nice and shiny. A month later, I noticed patches of baby hairs had sprouted all over the top of my head."
Tom J Williams
Health Coach
"“I tried PRP fr crow's feet. I liked the idea of injecting my own natural product rather than a filler or toxin. Not only had the lines softened around my eyes, I felt like my skin was really glowy."
Visual & Performing Artist

Why Choose The Akasha Center for Your PRP Treatment?

Personalized: An individualized treatment plan is created for you by a diverse team of health professionals, helping you get the most out of your health.  

Integrative:  The Akasha Center provides you access to a team of certified professionals in conventional and natural therapies, yielding better long-term- results and improvement in your quality of life. 

Root-cause: That’s our goal. Without knowing what lies beneath the surface, a long-term resolution is hard to find.


To prepare PRP, blood is taken from your arm with a special kit similar to a normal blood test. It is then placed in a special centrifugation machine that separates the platelets from the blood in order to be extracted in a concentrated form called PRP.

Given that PRP is derived from your own blood, scientific data has shown that allergy or immune reaction are extremely rare. Side effects vary among patients and include temporary redness, bruising, discomfort, tenderness, and swelling.

Platelet-rich plasma lasts anywhere from six and nine months, during which time it will continue to aid in healing the soft-tissue injury.

Without the side effects from prescription drugs, PRP is a low-risk and non-surgical procedure that prevent hair loss and promotes new hair growth. PRP can also aid in the stimulation of hair growth after hair transplants.

Growth factors from PRP work together to jump start dormant hair follicle into growth stage. hair shaft gets larger, healthier and hair grows.

Yes. PRP reduces the swelling, regenerates tissues, lubricates the joint, and alleviates your pain.

Because PRP injection allows regrowth of cartilage and pain reduction, it can be considered a treatment choice before surgical treatment.

Yes. PRP relieves pain that might occur following your procedure. It also speeds healing by promoting the production of new cells where the procedure occurred.

Akasha Center
A Better Way to Get Better. 

Jamie Lee Curtis

” I have gone through much of my life, not paying attention to my body and only responding to it when it’s in a crisis. As I’ve aged, I have needed to pay attention to the long game and Dr. de Mello has been my partner in that exploration. He has taught me that numbers don’t lie and his extensive testing has helped me see patterns and trends that I never wanted to look at. His focus and care has given me the confidence to know that I can, as we say in recovery “change the things I can.”

Jamie Lee Curtis, Actress

“I’ve been going to the Akasha Center for four months and together we’ve been working to create a better, healthier lifestyle that works for my hectic schedule. By sticking to a strict diet and exercise plan, as well as natural remedies and herbal supplements, I’ve lost over 40 pounds. Through hard work and commitment to making this life change, I now have more energy and feel better than ever.”

Lee Daniels, Director

“After Dr. De Mello, I found the balance and health I needed. He had a loving approach to understanding my own body. The strength and readiness I feel is due to Dr. de Mello’s treatment.
Thanks Dr. D Mello!”

Alice Braga, Actress

Dylan McDermott

“I have known Dr. Edison De Mello for many years now. He has proven himself to be an outstanding doctor. His knowledge of integrative medicine is second to none. I was loking for an M.D. who understood both western and eastern medicine and I found it.”

Dylan Mcdermott, Actor

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