The Akasha Center

Swati Desai, PhD, LCSW

Swati Desai, PhD, LCSW

Director of Relationship Clinic

*** Please note: Swati Desai is on sabbatical***

Swati Desai, Ph.D., LCSW, calls her approach to practicing psychotherapy, C-APT (See apt), a process of spiraling upwards to a healthier place, by using Contemplate, Accept, Push a little, and Transition to a better place.

What sets apart C-APT from traditional psychotherapeutic approaches is Swati’s own special blend of proven research-based tools: cognitive therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), and meditation. Her approach is not only active and involved, but also based on spiritually sound meditative practices. Contemplation and deep attention is an integral part of the process, and so is employing the strengths in the client to push a bit, as opposed to focusing on the pathology. In the beginning of therapy, a plan is laid out, time frame is discussed, and accelerated healing is expected.

Swati specializes in using C-APT in treating the experience of debilitating ANXIETY and STRESS by helping clients to reduce it to a manageable level and training them to enjoy the present moment. Anxiety can be manifested in different forms such as:

  • Performance anxiety
  • Phobias such as fear of flying or other specific fears
  • Generalized sense of doom, not specific to any one situation
  • Fear of losing physical health
  • Panic attacks that makes you avoid those situations at any cost
  • Racing thoughts and lack of focus

Swati also specializes in using C-APT in transitioning significant RELATIONSHIPS, with spouses or family members, from their current phase into the necessary next step, such as:

  • From a working, possibly stagnant, relationship into a spiritually significant one
  • From a wounded relationship under crisis into a stable and healing one
  • From an irreparably damaged relationship into a phase of necessary separation
  • From mourning the loss of a relationship into a phase of letting go
  • From struggling with an angry divorce and managing the kids into a more functional and peaceful arrangement

In order to make an appointment for the first half an hour of free consultation, please call 310- 308- 9531. Check Swati’s website to get more familiar with her work.

Office: (310) 451-8880
Appts: (310) 308-9531

Swati Desai, PhD

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