Two Healthy Holiday Songs

By Bren Boston, MD

This month Dr. Boston wrote two Holiday songs to celebrate the season!

Song 1

The Twelve Exercises of Christmas 

(to the tune of Partridge in a Pear Tree)
On the 12th day of Christmas
Exercise is key:
Twelve Biceps curling
Eleven Calves a-Raising
Ten Legs a-Leaping
Nine Tummies Crunching
Eight Hamstrings Stretching
Seven Triceps Dipping
Six Arms a-Lifting
Five Second Plank
Four Jumping Jacks
Three Side Lunges
Two Mountain Climbers
And a Deep Squat Bending My Knees

Song 2

Holiday Belly

(to the tune of the Dreidel Song)
I have a little belly
I made it out of cake
And when it’s full and ready
Then, I shall dance it away.
Oh, belly, belly, belly
I made it out of cake
And when it’s full and ready
Then, I shall dance it away.
I have a lovely body
With legs so strong and lean
And if I’m not too tired
I walk around the block again
Oh, belly, belly, belly
I made it out of cake
And when it’s full and ready
Then, I shall dance it away.
The moral of the story is that when you over-eat during the holidays, build in some extra dancing or walking to offset the calories.

Dr. Bren Boston specializes in Integrative Pain Management, Sports Medicine and Women’s Care. You can schedule an appointment with her by calling 310-451-8880 or emailing us at

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