Meditation: Powerful Mind-Body Medicine – A Gift To Your Health

“…Mind body science has now reached a stage where it should be accepted as the third major treatment and prevention option, standing as an equal alongside drugs and surgery in the clinical medical pantheon.”

Herbert Benson, MD – cardiologist & founder of the Mind/Body Medical Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, MA.

Meditation practice in the medical setting is now widely known and accepted by the scientific community as a proven and effective additional therapy for many illnesses and an essential and primary means of maintaining health and wellness.

Thousands of extensive evidenced-based research studies continue to show the benefits of meditation practice for a wide range of medical conditions, ranging from heart-disease and emotional well-being through stress-reduction, to high-blood pressure, cancer head-aches, PTSD, anxiety, depression and PMS, to name a few.

Check out this beautifully illustrated infographic, courtesy of Live and Dare:

Benefits of Meditation Infographic

As you know, we are hosting a 4-Week Meditation Class Series, lead by Kevin Kunkel.

Meditation Class Details

Four weekly sessions
Saturdays 8:30am – 10:00am
May 7 – June 4
No session May 28th. Office is closed in observance of  Memorial Day

Call 310-451-8880 to sign up now

This series of classes will not only introduce the basics of a mindfulness meditation practice and strategies to make it workable for you, it will additionally focus on the specific elicitation of the physiological response in the body that is the opposite of the stress response – the “Relaxation Response”.

We will elicit these physiological and metabolic changes in the body via our mindfulness meditation practice, as well as introduce alternative practices to bring into your daily life.

Upwards of 80% of initial doctor visits are due to symptoms caused or exacerbated by stress.

Stress effects every system within our body, deteriorates our mental capacities, and destabilizes us emotionally. It pushes us into illness and manifestation of disorders that our body could otherwise manage on its own.

Through the practice of mindfulness meditation, we can counter these effects, create changes in our brain structure, and even alter the expression of our genes to change our ability to respond to stress in our life, better cope with our symptoms, and reach our goals of wellbeing and health!

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