The Akasha Center

Telehealth Informed Consent

The Akasha Center for Integrative Medicine and its associate hhealth care practitioners provide telehealth consultations for those who are eligible and meet our criteria, presented on in this document.

You acknowledge and understand that the Akasha center Center for Integrative Medicine and its associated practitioners provide telehealth services, meaning that our services are provided virtually via a HIPPA HIPPA-regulated platform. HIPPA – the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) – is a federal law that protects sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge.

To qualify for O our telehealth services, you need to complete our intake form, provide all relevant medical diagnoses, list of medication and supplements you are taking, and sign this form acknowledging your understanding and rules for telehealth services and give us permission to treat you. After we review all relevant documentation and the data provided, including a list of medical conditions and medication you are currently on, we will determine, we will review the data, including a list of medical conditions and medication that you are currently to determine that if you are a good candidate for The Akasha Center Telehealth services.  Also,Please know that that to qualify for services, you must have a local primary care practitioner who always oversees your care.  

Please make note thatThe Akasha Center’s Telehealth services are meant for educational consultation and assisting you with lifestyle modification. Unless you are an established patient of Akasha Center, have been to the office for your ongoing physicals, and are a California resident, our telehealth services do not provide for the prescription of any medication. Supplements like vitamins, minerals, herbs, and over-the-counter meds may be recommended, but. However, you must discuss our recommendation for any supplements, vitamins, or herbs – and our suggestions for lifestyle modification protocol with your local health care provider before taking them to make sure they’re they’re right for you and will not interfere with any on-going treatment that you may be on.

We reserve the right to decline or terminate service if your need for consultation is beyond our scope of practice or you fail to meet our criteria for services, such as having a local primary care practitioner.  Using The Akasha Center’s and its providers’ platform or visiting our website and purchasing one of our lifestyle programs online do not establish a provider-patient relationship or duty. The content on our website is for information purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice. You further acknowledge that your failure to seek in-person care or care from a primary care physician may fail to identify a medical condition that needs further investigation or immediate treatment and do not meet our requirement for serviceses not meet our service requirement. Should that occur, we will terminate all ongoing consultations with you immediately. 

 You understand that although The Akasha Center uses reasonable efforts to safeguard your privacy and the confidentiality of all health information, The Akasha Center cannot make any guarantees. You understand that The Akasha Center will provide detailed information to help you and your doctor/local primary care provider make an informed decision about how to manage your health. You understand that all the medicines, supplements, or treatments that The Akasha Center and Its providers may prescribe or recommend, including over-the-counter medicines and supplements, can cause serious side effects and adverse events that include severe allergic reactions, permanent disability, and death. You understand that it is your responsibility to make an informed decision whether to accept a proposed treatment plan after weighing the risks and benefits of the proposed treatment plan with your primary care physician and/or other doctors, considering alternative treatment options and the risks and benefits of such alternatives, and the option of not seeking any treatment. 

Before taking a medicine, you further understand the importance of reading the manufacturer’s leaflet with medicine, including any over the counter or behind-the-counter medicine, because this leaflet includes important information about risks and warnings. You understand that several things can cause adverse events, including an allergic reaction, side effects, or interactions between a medicine that the doctor prescribes and any medical conditions you may have, other prescription medicines, or other things (e.g., supplements, herbs, over-the-counter medicines, or recreational drugs) you are taking, and lifestyle choices such as smoking tobacco products or drinking alcohol. 

Akasha Center
A Better Way to Get Better. 


“After Dr. De Mello, I found the balance and health I needed. He had a loving approach to understanding my own body. The strength and readiness I feel is due to Dr. de Mello’s treatment.
Thanks Dr. D Mello!”

Alice Braga, Actress

“I’ve been going to the Akasha Center for four months and together we’ve been working to create a better, healthier lifestyle that works for my hectic schedule. By sticking to a strict diet and exercise plan, as well as natural remedies and herbal supplements, I’ve lost over 40 pounds. Through hard work and commitment to making this life change, I now have more energy and feel better than ever.”

Lee Daniels, Director
Premiere Of FX's "American Horror Story" - Arrivals

“I have known Dr. Edison De Mello for many years now. He has proven himself to be an outstanding doctor. His knowledge of integrative medicine is second to none. I was loking for an M.D. who understood both western and eastern medicine and I found it.”

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