Annual Physical Exam
Health is the most valuable asset we have, and our bodies are the most precious and personal investment of your future.
Akasha’s annual physical exams are comprehensive, thorough, and personalized to meet your specific needs and concerns. Our physicals are geared to help you improve the quality of your life, vitality, longevity, and physical performance, including in the bedroom. In essence, the annual physical is a re-investment in your health.

Re-Assessment of Your Health
“ Health is the first wealth.”
Health is the most valuable asset we have, and our bodies are the most precious and personal investment of your future.
Akasha’s annual physical exams are comprehensive, thorough, and personalized to meet your specific needs and concerns. Our physicals are geared to help you improve the quality of your life, vitality, longevity, and physical performance, including in the bedroom. In essence, the annual physical is a re-investment in your health.
Akasha’s Annual physical exams allow our patients to refocus their attention on prevention and screening.
The exam gives you a chance to address any complaints or concerns about your health. Our doctors will also inquire about lifestyle, such as smoking, alcohol use, sexual health, elimination, diet, exercise, stress levels, etc. Furthermore, vaccination status and an update on your personal and family medical history will also be addressed.
Vital Signs
Blood Pressure: Less than 120 over less than 80 considered normal. High blood pressure (aka hypertension) is defined as 130 over 80 or higher.
- Heart Rate: 60 to 100. But athletic and many healthy people may have rates slower than 60, which may also be healthy.
- Respiratory rate: 12 to 16 breaths per minute is normal for a healthy adult. More than 20 times per minute can suggest heart or lung problems.
- Temperature: 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is the average, but healthy people can have resting temperatures slightly higher or lower.
General Appearance Akasha’s doctors gather a significant amount of information about you and your health by observing you and asking medical screening questions. For example, how is your memory and mental alertness? Does your skin, the largest organ in your body, look healthy? Can you easily stand and walk?
Heart Exam A doctor might detect a heart abnormality with a stethoscope placed on your heart, such as an irregular heartbeat, or other clues that can signal a heart condition.
Lung Exam With a stethoscope, our doctors listen for crackles (sound of water), wheezes (sound of tight lungs, asthma), or decreased breath sounds. These and other sounds are clues to the presence of lung or heart disease. The lung and heart together are referred to as the cardio-pulmonary system.
Head and Neck Exam “Open your mouth and say ah…..” This is done to visualize your throat and tonsils better. The health of your teeth and gums is also examined as it provides information about your overall health. Ears, nose, sinuses, eyes lymph nodes, thyroid, and the carotid artery’s sound may also be examined.
Abdominal Exam The abdominal examination includes tapping your abdomen to estimate the liver’s size and the presence of abdominal fluid. We also listen for bowel sounds with a stethoscope and palpate it to detect any pain or tenderness.
Dermatological Exam Skin and nail findings could indicate a dermatological problem or disease somewhere else in the body.
Extremities Exams We will look for any sensory changes and the strength of pulses in your arms and legs. We also examine the joints for abnormalities.
Socio emotional concern Our doctors ask you about your overall stress level, satisfaction with work, school life, and relationships with yourself, significant other, and family members.
In a health care landscape marked by harried doctors, defensive medicine, insurance company vetted treatments, and mismanaged care, the Akasha Center is an oasis of compassion, insight, calm, and tailor-made healing. You feel better just walking in the door and even better on the way out. – Roy Sekoff, Editor, The Huffington Post
Male Physical Exam
An annual physical exam for men might also include:
- Testicular exam: A doctor can check each testicle for lumps, tenderness, or changes in size. Most men with testicular cancer notice growth before seeing a doctor.
- Hernia exam: The well-known “turn your head and cough checks for a weakness in the abdominal wall between the intestines and scrotum.
- Penis exam: A doctor might notice sexually transmitted infections such as warts or ulcers on the penis.
- Prostate exam: Inserting a finger in the rectum lets a doctor feel the prostate for its size and suspicious areas.
Female Physical Exam
A woman’s annual exam might include:
- Breast exam. Feeling for abnormal lumps may detect breast cancer or benign breast conditions. The doctor will also check the lymph nodes in the underarm area and look for the breasts and nipples’ visual abnormalities.
- Pelvic exam: The pelvic exam allows examination of the vulva, vagina, uterus, and ovaries. Routine checks for sexually transmitted infections are often done. A pap test HPV tests can screen for cervical cancer and help assess risk.
Laboratory Tests
Annual physical may include:
- Complete Blood Count ( CBC)
- A comprehensive chemistry panel (to assess Kidney and Liver function)
- Urinalysis (UA)
- A cardiometabolic lipid panel (Cholesterol panel) to evaluate for heart disease risk
- Age-dependent cancer screening such as the need for a colonoscopy, breast mammogram (and breast ultrasound if indicated)
- Screening for ovarian, pancreatic, lung, breast, prostate, and other cancers
- Assess for high risk of Diabetes
Why laboratory screenings?
Because it helps prevent illness!
- A Yearly lipid panel screening is recommended yearly by the Akasha Center to assess heart disease risk factors – and stroke.
- For all patients, including those at risk for diabetes, glucose levels (sugar) will be checked. The American Diabetes Association recommends that beginning at age 45, patients should be tested for diabetes — regardless of weight.
- At age 50, regular screening for colorectal cancer begins. People with Healthy behaviors work far better than medicine at preventing illness.
In Summary
Akasha’s Physicals Emphasize Prevention and allows you to refocus your attention on prevention and screening.
The diagnostic advances of Western Medicine have given us a new level of unprecedented sophistication in annual physical. Doctors can now detect serious conditions in their early stages, allowing for quicker diagnosis, more successful treatment, and better chances for a full recovery.”
Doctors can now detect serious conditions in their early stages, allowing for quicker detection, more successful treatment, and full recovery.
Taking great care of yourself and “listening to your body” is the best gift and most profound expression of self-love.
We’re here for you, we’ve got you health, let us show you a better way to get better!