Lee Daniels Success Story

Lee Daniels Photo

Lee Daniel’s
Success Story

“I’ve been going to the Akasha Center for four months and together we’ve been working to create a better, healthier lifestyle that works for my hectic schedule.By sticking to a strict diet and exercise plan, as well as natural remedies and herbal supplements, I’ve lost over 40 pounds. Through hard work and commitment to making this life change, I now have more energy and feel better than ever.”

– Lee Daniels
Co-Creator, Writer, & Director of “Empire”

Here’s an “Inside Look“ at How the Akasha Center Team Helps Clients Like Lee Daniels & People Just Like You Lose Weight, Increase Energy, & Get an Edge,

Food Sensitivity Testing 

Why is this important?

Eating foods that you’re sensitive to causes low-grade inflammation, which gets in the way of any health goal, especially weight loss. Avoiding these foods is the fastest path to better gastrointestinal and brain function, as well as optimal energy.

Example: You’d be surprised how many people have a food sensitivity to eggs. Yes EGGS!

Cleanse & Detox

Safely, without fasting, or throwing your body into toxic shock

Almost any health goal can be accelerated by a well-designed Cleanse & Detox.The idea is to not only flush out the toxins, but also repair the gut, and replace bad bacteria with the good kind. This helps your body absorb nutrients better and promotes many health benefits.

TIP: Ask about Akasha’s one-of-a-kind Cleanse & Detox supplement program.

Eating Well

The right foods for YOU

Contrary to popular belief, there is no perfect diet for everyone. It’s highly individualized. There is compelling evidence to show that your medical history and how your body is operating can help determine the types of foods that work best for you. We can help you figure that out.

TIP: Just starting out? Eliminate processed foods from your diet.

Move Your Body

This is also very specific to you as an individual.

There’s a Minimal Effective Dose of exercise that will get you 80% of the results with 20% of the effort. Example: For Mr. Daniels, we recommended that he develop a plan with his trainer that fit his busy lifestyle. A plan that he would be able to stick to and feel good about.

For most patients we suggest: HIIT for cardio, “Inroading” style weight training, sitting less, walking more, and stretching as much as possible throughout the day.

Optimize Your Environment

Environment Conquers Will

Example: The foods you keep = what you eat. Clean the “junk” out of your fridge and food cabinets. Discuss your plan with your closest friends and elicit their help. Give them permission to give you reminders that you can do it and to point out when you’re losing steam. In other words, create a solid support team.

TIP: Attach new behaviors to existing ones.

One of the best examples of this is the elder gentleman who wanted to regain his strength. He decided to do a pushup each time he went to the toilet. Starting with just one, in a relatively short amount of time, he worked up to 56 pushups! This is a great example because going to the toilet is something we all do. 

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A Better Way to Get Better. 


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