NAD IV Therapy 

At The Akasha Center, nestled in the heart of Santa Monica, we are dedicated to delivering integrative medical solutions that truly transform your well-being. Let me introduce you to our exceptional service – NAD IV Therapy.

Imagine a future where you wake up each day with boundless energy, a sharper mind, and a body that defies age. With NAD Therapy, this vision becomes a reality.NAD IV Therapy, or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, is a coenzyme essential for energy production in every cell of your body. 

NAD Therapy

NAD IV Therapy offers an array of life-altering benefits

Elevated Vitality: Experience a profound surge in energy as NAD IV Therapy optimizes cellular function. Bid farewell to fatigue and embrace a newfound vigor that propels you through your day.

Cellular Rejuvenation: NAD IV Therapy initiates a remarkable process of cellular rejuvenation. Your body undergoes repair and regeneration, ensuring a more youthful and resilient you.

Age-Defying Elixir: Witness a visible reduction in the signs of aging. NAD IV Therapy fosters healthier skin, lustrous hair, and overall vitality, making you not just feel younger, but look it too.

Cognitive Enhancement: Your mental clarity and focus are sharpened as NAD IV Therapy boosts your brain’s performance. Experience the world with newfound precision.

Natural Detoxification: Allow your body to naturally rid itself of toxins and environmental stressors. NAD IV Therapy supports your body’s detoxification processes, aiding in your journey to pure well-being.

The first step on this transformative path is just a call away. 

Call Us Today: (310) 451-8880 

“See one of us, get all of us.” – Edison de Mello, MD, PhD.

Picture a future where your body functions at its peak, where age is just a number, and where wellness is your everyday reality. The first step on this transformative path is just a call away.

Contact The Akasha Center today, and let’s embark on this extraordinary journey together. As your physician, I am here to guide you towards a healthier, more vibrant you. Your transformation starts now.

NAD Therapy FAQs

Integrative Pain Management at the Akasha Center takes a comprehensive approach to your chronic pain and overall health.  This service provides you with a team of medical professionals working together to treat your pain from every angle. By working with both conventional and intagrative strategies Integrative Pain Management at Akasha Center targets both the physical and psychological causes of your pain and not just the symptom.

Schedule your FREE Consultation with us now.

NAD Therapy offers a wide range of benefits, including increased energy levels, cellular rejuvenation, reduced signs of aging, enhanced cognitive function, and support for the body’s natural detoxification processes.

Yes, NAD Therapy is considered safe when administered by qualified medical professionals in a controlled setting. At The Akasha Center, our experienced medical team ensures your safety and comfort throughout the procedure.

The duration of an NAD Therapy session can vary, but typically it takes a few hours. The exact time depends on your individual needs and the specific treatment plan prescribed by your physician.

Most patients experience minimal to no side effects. Some individuals may report mild discomfort at the injection site or a warm sensation during the infusion. These effects are usually temporary and well-tolerated.

NAD Therapy is suitable for individuals looking to enhance their vitality, improve cognitive function, support their body’s natural detoxification processes, and reduce the visible signs of aging. It’s especially beneficial for those seeking a holistic approach to well-being.

The number of sessions needed varies from person to person. Your physician at The Akasha Center will create a personalized treatment plan based on your goals and health status. Some individuals may see significant benefits after just a few sessions, while others may choose to continue treatments regularly.

Typically, NAD Therapy is not covered by insurance as it is considered an elective and holistic medical service. It’s advisable to check with your insurance provider for specific details.

To begin your journey with NAD Therapy and experience its transformative benefits, simply contact The Akasha Center to schedule a consultation. Our medical team will assess your needs and design a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your wellness goals.

Feel free to reach out to us at any time to learn more about NAD Therapy or to schedule your initial consultation. Your path to enhanced vitality and well-being begins here.

How Do I Get Started

 1. Get Your Free 10-minute Phone Consultation. Call us to learn more about Integrative Pain Management and book your first visit. Call (310) 451-8880 or Click Here

2. In-Office Assessment. Dr. Bren Boston will conduct an in-depth evaluation of your pain and create your individualized treatment plan with the help of Akasha Center’s diverse medical team.

3. Receive Treatment. After your consultation with Dr. Bren Boston, a comprehensive healing plan is designed to manage your pain long term.  You will then be scheduled appointments with the members of the Akasha Pain Management Team to begin your treatment.

4. Feel better. Managing your chronic pain is possible. Our goal at Akasha Center is to put you in control of your care and give you the tools to manage your pain in your daily life.